Do you really know what is in your CBD product?
Do you really know what you are ingesting?
Do you really know what you are using on your skin?
On July 8th 2020 the FDA reported to congress on their testing of nearly 150 randomly selected CBD products.
Results showed that less than half contained the stated amount of CBD on the label!
- 18% contained less than 80% of the amount of CBD stated
- 45% were within 20% of the amount of CBD stated. 10% is the standard for pharmaceuticals.
- 35% contained more than 120% of the amount of CBD stated on the label.
And this is just testing for CBD!
For your safety you need to dig deep. You must seek out the information beyond what your product is claiming.
The hemp plant is nature’s bioaccumulator… consider hemp to be soil’s own vacuum cleaner! Hemp has been used for years to clean and recondition contaminated soil and its impressive ability to remove waste has been termed bioremediation or phytoremediation. This mean it can soak up EVERYTHING…. So if your hemp product’s origin is not well-regulated, tested and maintained, the hemp plants that were used to make your items could have many unwanted and often toxic contaminants.
Did you know hemp was planted around the Chernobyl nuclear disaster? It demonstrated its incredible ability to remove dangerous heavy metals, pesticides, solvents.
Put simply, the hemp plant by nature sucks up and removes contaminants efficiently… a feature that’s GREAT for farmers of course, but it should make you truly question what could be lurking in your hemp products, especially your CBD!
If your product states “we have certificates of analysis (COA)”. Great, but is that COA only analyzing potency? Is there a full analysis of toxins, chemical, etc? This is important. View an example of a COA with Full Panel Testing.
You need to seek out full COA documents that go beyond just potency. Full panel batch testing for solvents, pesticides, microbials, mycotoxins, mold, filth are expensive. Very few CBD companies validate their product claims and protect you with extensive full testing.
For your safety and protection look for products that:
- Use ISO 10725 accredited laboratories for Full panel testing. There are very few companies that value your safety over their dollar bottom line. Sad but true!
- Facilities that are FDA compliant and FDA registered and inspected.
- Facilities that are cGMP registered and compliant.
- Use only USA hemp grown for CBD content.
- Have a scannable QR code (quick reference code). You can scan this and it should take you to their website and testing. Hopefully FULL testing.
Consumer protection IS coming, but until that time you have to do your homework. You will be surprised how few products are fully tested, proven safe, effective natural products from a manufacture that values your trust, safety confidence more than their bottom line.
At Azure Botanics from our conception it has been our mission to provide safe, effective and fully tested products. We value your trust and confidence by providing you the facts in a sea of false claims and unsafe products.
If you have taken the time to read this, we hope you will join our growing family of Azure Botanics friends and clients. Feel free to reach out to tell us if you enjoyed this article: info@azurebotanics.com
Attention: Florida ingestible CBD that are sold, purchased or shipped into Florida Require by law. Labeling Law S.581.217(7).F.S. and 21 CFR Part 101…
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